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We, “RUDRAKSHA WELFARE FOUNDATION”, are a Non-Profit Organization, A Section 8 unit under Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Govt. of INDIA, have specifically designed this Mobile Application in Android and iOS Platforms in order to provide an Application based solution for all our respected Astrologers, Numerologists, Tarot Card Readers, Vastu Shastra Experts, Palmists, Lal Kitab Experts and even Brahmins. We have deliberately kept the margins quite low in comparison to the other service providers, as our prime objective will be to raise funds for our social work via this Application. The details of the Projects are listed at under the “Projects” column in the main menu bar of the website.

The Application named as “AADISHAKTII ASTRO”, has been designed and developed by a set of experienced Android and iOS developers who had been hired by our Foundation. We are hereby committed to protect the privacy of our users, whether someone use to visit our website or download the above stated mobile application for their use. We consider users as those Experts who will register into this Application for their professional usage as well as the clients who will make their respective profiles for taking guidance from the registered users. There is a unique feature of “Reference”, which has been imported into the above stated Mobile Application, under which the Experts who are verified from our Expert and clears our interview process, will be allowed to active his or her profile. These Registered users will be allowed to append more Experts into the system. The referred users will be allowed to appear in the interview. Admin and Registered Experts create a virtual firewall which approves only the well experienced and good knowledge holders of the respective fields to provide consultations to our clients. There will be a “REFERAL CODE”, which will be unique and can be generated by Admin or the Expert in order to introduce a new Expert onboard, but the respective referred soul has to clear the interview, though the final discretion will be of Management of the “RUDRKSHA WELFARE FOUNDATION” .

You are hereby duly requested to read this Privacy Policy carefully before creating your profiles whether as an Expert or as a Client. We INDIANS, are using numerous websites as well as Applications daily, hence we leave a trail behind us. In order to save the privacy, the laws have been drafted by Govt. of INDIA, and it protects us from frauds, false profiles, misuse of data, forecasting activities with a wrong intention, advertisements and trends. These are covered under The Information Technology Act, 2000 (IT Act) and now a new Bill naming “The Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2023, have been passed in LOK SABHA (Aug 7th 2023), as well as in RAJYA SABHA, on 9th Aug 2023.

This Privacy Policy is published in accordance with Rule 3(1) of the Information Technology (Intermediaries Guidelines) Rules, 2011 and Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules, 2011 which requires publishing of the Privacy policy for collection, use, storage and transfer of sensitive personal data or information.


Our Privacy Policy, will be updated as and when desired and all the users are hereby requested to go through the same via our website as well as link provided under our Mobile Application in the menu bar both for Android as well as iOS users. The detailed information of what we will collect and where it will be used:
We have used one of the good rated available encryption techniques to protect all sort of data which is being captured by our application at any given point of time with a view point of giving the top priority for data protection and privacy policies.

We hereby declare it and consider it as your intentional consent in case you are visiting our website or the Mobile Application, that you agree to provide us with the above listed information and we would not be held responsible in case you delete the profile or in case we delete the respective profiles of any Expert or Client, if they are involved in any kind of illegal, wrongful act, cheating, misinformation, fraud, abusive behaviour, sarcastic behaviour, misbehaving, threatening. The same might be reported to the concerned authorities in due course with all the details as and when required and well-deserved Legal action can be taken against such persons.

Your continued use of this website/ Application shall confirm that you have provided your unconditional consent and confirm to the terms of this privacy policy as regards collecting, maintaining, using, processing and disclosing your personal and other information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
This Privacy Policy is to be read along with the respective Terms of Use or Code of Conduct, as provided in the Application and in our website ( in the main menu bar.

This Mobile Application and our Website, has been completely intends to protect the Privacy of all types of users who use to create profiles in it and as well as those whose use to just download as a visitor. We hereby clearly ask about the information which are required to create Kundali of a particular user and all of them will be deleted from our servers as soon as user removes his account from the Application. The information asked by our mobile application is clearly attached to the basic criteria of the desired platform as available with other available options on the play-store. In order to have an extended cover, we are using one of the best Encryption techniques to protect the entire data of our user along with a server, which is being protected by extended highly protective servers of one of the prominent international service providers in this context.

The concerned Application uses the personal information of the users in order to create their Kundali and which will be visible to the users personally on their respective profiles and not publicly, till the time they will share it with the Experts whom they have chosen for their respective queries. The Experts, on the other hand can’t see any information of the clients on their own. We hereby confirm that we don’t use the personal information of the clients as well as the Experts for our personal benefits of any sort or share it with any person. We are strictly bonded with the INDIAN LAWS, as per the rules and regulations of the data privacy and our commitment to any kind of support desired in this matter by the concerned authorities of the State or Centre. We hereby provide our commitment to the fact that we will not rent or sell the personal information of the users, be it the Experts or Clients to anyone.

We hereby CLEARLY CLARIFY that we don’t provide any solution or help or guidance or resolution to any user of the minor age, mentally disturbed, mentally challenged, having suicidal tendencies, insanity, any disease of any sort which challenges the mental growth/working/thought process of the person or having suicidal behaviour. The Experts registered in this Application are hereby strictly guided NOT to get involved with any person of such character and Clients are also hereby strictly guided NOT to use this Application for such purpose either directly or indirectly. We SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE to any kind of Risk or loss or damage of any sort in case happens to any Expert or Client or to anyone, who is involved directly or indirectly via use of the services provided by this Application. Our website or the Application will not be responsible for any kind of loss or damage to anyone as listed above in this paragraph. The Website / Application, declares that the information provided by such kind of user can be shared, if required, with law enforcement authorities. Such information is not protected from any kind of non-disclosure or confidential agreements either with the Website or Application or with any third-party involved herein.


“RUDRAKSHA WELFARE FOUNDATION”, got “AADISHAKTII ASTRO”, mobile application developed and designed for general public benefits for offering services attached within them at very economical rates in comparison to other available options in market during the time these were being developed and designed by respective Professionals working with us. We along with all associated Promoter, Employees and other related individuals DOES NOT represent or endorse the accuracy, completeness, reliability of any advice, resolution, opinion, statement, or any other information displayed, uploaded, distributed, linked through the website/ or its mobile application named “AADISHAKTII ASTRO”. The user(s) of this website or Application (Android / Apple) acknowledges that any reliance upon any such opinion, resolution, advice, statement, or information along with software or third-party API, being used to provide/generate such resolutions shall be at the user(s) risk. We don’t have any liability of any sort being applicable on us or any of our associated Directors, Promoters, Agents, Employee, Interns or marketing team or individuals. This disclaimer covers the both websites and mobile Applications as associated with us at the time of drafting this policy or even after in the future time to come by any means or situations that may arise.

We hereby specify that we do not guarantee or warrantee the accuracy of any information, resolution, advice, opinion, statement, or any other information displayed, uploaded, distributed, linked through the Website, Application or any other party messages or groups or declarations or guidance or references. We also disclaim any or all warranties or fitness for a particular purpose or merchantability or against infringement. In no event will “RUDRAKSHA WELFARE FOUNDATION”, its employees, agents, or contractors, be liable to you for any damages or losses or risks, including without limitation indirect, consequential, special, incidental or punitive damages resulting from or caused by the or mobile Application named “AADISHAKTII ASTRO” , (both Android & Apple) its contents or any errors or commissions in its contents, even if advised of the possibilities of such damages. The information presented at our parent website; and its official mobile Application named “RUDRAKSHAA”, will be used regarding advertisement and marketing purposes & expressing our social work projects, impact assessments, audit reports, philanthropic activities, hired professional data and persons involved only. We directly or indirectly don’t intend to harm or damage or occur loss or hate or any illegal act of any sort as per Law, though in case anyone is hurt or incurred any kind of loss or damage of any sort, we shall not be held liable for any means at any given point of time in the past, present of future to come.

Also, by proceeding to the information beyond this notice, each user will be assuming all the risks associated with the use of above-mentioned website and mobile App, including risk of your computer, software or data being damaged by any virus that might be transmitted or activated via any site or your access to application, we will not be held responsible for any sort of damage or loss or risks or disruptions in any work of any sort in the past, present and future time to come. DO NOT ACCEPT THESE TERMS & CONDITIONS, YOU SHOULD EXIT/ DELETE THIS APPLICATION /WEBSITE IMMEDIATELY.

“RUDRAKSHA WELFARE FOUNDATION”, it’s Directors, Promotors, Employees, Professionals involved or Interns don’t represent or endorse the accuracy, completeness, reliability of any advice, resolution, discussions, opinion, statement, or any other information displayed, uploaded, distributed, through the websites features message boards, SMS / any sort of chats and emails or via any mobile application worldwide. There is nothing denying the fact that the user acknowledges that any reliance upon any such opinion, advice, statement, or information shall be at the user’s risk. The conversations, discussions, consultations done regarding any sort of Astrological, Numerological, Palmistry, Lal Kitab resolutions, Vastu Shastra, Tarot Cards or any other cosmic science resolutions between subject matter experts and respective clients or any individuals will be done at their personal wish and will and risk factor involved. We hereby will not be held liable for any sort of liability, damages, and losses, risks etc. occurs or bound to occur for anyone involved in such conversations for personal or professional benefits for self or anyone else, before, during or after such types of conversations, discussions, and consultations at any point of time in the past, present or future. You are advised to follow such at your own wish/will/risk while duly keeping in mind all sort of risks or damages involved, that might arise. We will not be held liable to pay for any sort of damages, losses, reimbursements, refunds, disruptions, tensions, harm, ill-health or any other act involve thereafter of any severity etc. to any of the parties involved.


“RUDRAKSHA WELFARE FOUNDATION”, guarantees complete confidentiality of the member's identity, horoscope details and predictions. We also further guarantee that no direct or indirect use will be made by us, in respect to the personal information of the user(s), as revealed in the horoscope of the client, except for the explicit purpose of communicating the horoscope charts and predictions to the concerned client by the Expert as chosen by him/her while using the Application/website. We have NO LIABILITY of any sort in case the Expert(s), saves the details of their respective clients who had contacted them via our Application or website or by any means, wherein we are involved directly or indirectly, knowingly or unknowingly, for their personal learnings/teachings or use or presenting as case studies within their peer groups or social contacts or students, though it has been STRICTLY ADVISED to all users of this application, not to make use of personal data and information at any given point of time and in case any Expert voids these instructions, he or she will be solely held responsible for such act as void of terms and conditions of this application and strict legal actions, can be taken against such persons, if required.


As we all know these Cosmic Sciences known as Astrology, Numerology, Vastu Shastra, Tarot card reading, Palmistry, Reiki and LAL KITAB or any other cosmic means or thought processes, are based on predictions and assumptions and respective self-beliefs, which is being supported by the depth and experience of the subject matter expert and trust in him/her of the respective party(s). It runs on a basic rule that no one is always right and perfect as final outcome total depends as per the wish and will of Supreme Power GOD. We know that while performing such actions, experts are left out with their experience, wisdom, calculations, assumptions and faith and henceforth the predictions done by them might happen in future.

We hereby STRONGLY UPDATE ALL , that all types of recommendations provided by all of the respective subject matter experts like remedies, resolutions, Upay, gemstones, palmistry predictions, Hawan, Yagnas, any other types of ritual pujas or fasting etc. are based on their respective calculations, predictions, experience, judgement and will NOT have ANY SORT OF LIABILITY ON US. The experts provide solutions, predictions, judgements, remedies might generally after having a detailed go through of the Astrological chart of the individual in question (based on dob, time of birth and place of birth details provided by individual), or as provided his or her date of birth (in case of Numerology), Palmistry based solutions, (which are based on the ever changing lines of their palm), Vastu Shastra remedies (based on the directions & other desired details of their properties etc.), Tarot Cards (based on cards displayed while performing the readings), LAL KITAB remedies (based on Astrological chart, as based on above mentioned details). The overall outcome can be favourable as desired by individual(s) or might vary as it strongly depends on respective Karmas, actions of this life as well as deeds done in previous births, as both cannot be judged by anyone, especially by us who had provided just a digital platform or forum via this application or website or by any means for the society, in concern for any individual(s) or whosoever may it be involved in any discussions via any mode or means at any given point of time in the past, present or future.

It must be clearly understood that every such prescription(s), solution(s), remedies or resolutions, suggestions etc. provided by any subject matter expert to the concerned party or parties involved, is accompanied by a prescribed method and procedure, which is expected to be followed by all the persons involved in it with due diligence. We “RUDRAKSHA WELFARE FOUNDATION”, its Promotors, Directors, Employees, Interns, 3rd party professionals, other hired professionals or people connected with us socially, at any given point of time will not be held responsible for any claims for negative functioning/ damages or losses or delays or ill impacts of any sort over anyone by any means, due to or via following/trusting any prescription of the remedies or resolutions or rituals or fasting(s) or donations or charity or investments or relationships or contracts or dealings or commitments etc. guided or recommended or shared or informed directly or indirectly by any of the subject matter experts or even clients to anyone.

We update that all of our subject matter experts, tries to make their best efforts to energize the gemstones or remedies provided in Astrology, Numerology, Vastu Shastra, Tarot Cards, Palmistry and LAL KITAB as per strict Vedic Principles as prescribed in ancient Vedic scriptures, knowledge earned from various books, reading materials, literatures, self-experience, other experts suggestions/ guidelines, online notes, other experts’ lectures and notes etc. We all still have a strong need to understand that the final outcome will totally depend on wish and will of Almighty GOD and we can only guide, assist and help based on our calculations and predictions which further are dependent on all factors as mentioned above. We henceforth provide no guarantees, implied warranties, or assurances of any kind, and will not be responsible for any interpretation made or use by the recipient of the information and data mentioned above.

“RUDRAKSHA WELFARE FOUNDATION”, shall not be held responsible for the inaccuracies, if any, in predictions/ resolutions/ guidance/ remedies etc. of any sort. Any inadvertent reference to an individual, caste, creed, religion or any spiritual path may be excused. The efficacy of any kind of remedies recommended in form of any Astrological, Numerological, Vastu Shastra, Tarot Cards predictions, LAL KITAB, Palmistry, Yantra, Tantra, and Gemstones etc. will strictly depend on the faith and devotion of the customer and his belief and intent. We and our expert(s) requests and guides by default that anyone should wear gemstones/ Yantras or perform any sort of rituals personalized/ community Yagnas/ Hawan(s), perform remedies or follow any sort of religious paths or acts, only when one has faith, true devotion and not out of any greed, fear or lust or any other negative feelings. We do not offer any guaranteed results in the life of the customer for the recommendation of any sort of remedies which was ever offered or is being offered or will be offered by our subject matter experts to client or individual concerned.

Intelluctual Property of Aadishaktii astro