
We at RUDRAKSHA, are working under the Project Name “YOGESHVAR” under the Project Head “SPORTS TRAINING”, to support various talents in the field of internal or external sports. Strength and Conditioning is the combination of resistance training and endurance conditioning that is used by athletes and sports teams to improve and assist their performance (Driskell, 1999). Sport specific fitness can include a structured progressive program that could comprise of power, muscular endurance, strength, speed, aerobic or anaerobic conditioning (Steindler, 1955).The National Sports Day is celebrated on August 29 to commemorate the birth anniversary of hockey legend Dhyan Chand Singh. States like Haryana, Punjab and Karnataka, among others, organise various sporting events and seminars aimed at spreading awareness about the importance of physical activities and sports in life.

Over the years, the government has also used this day as a platform to launch various sports schemes, including the Khelo India movement, which was announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2018. Sports occupies a vital role in our lives. It keeps us fit, healthy and makes us active. The secret to having a healthy and positive lifestyle to have a positive mind and body. Sports is one such activity which helps us in maintaining a proper physique and a positive mentality. Sports is such an activity that it can be taken up by anyone, at nay age and any point of life. Adults, children and elders- everyone alike can take part in sports. Many regards sports as a mere co-curricular or extra-curricular activity in schools. However, in reality sports play an equally important role as does the education. To achieve overall and all-round development in life, one should be well-versed in both sports and culture. While training sharpens the mind, sports sharpen the body and fitness. The aim of sports training is to achieve maximum individual or team efficiency in a selected sports discipline limited by rules.There are numerous advantages of involving oneself in sports. First and foremost, as known by all and very definitively, competitions increase the physical fitness of an individual. Additionally, sports also contribute to building stable mental well-being of a person. Various studies show that people who are in the daily practice of sports in any form record better mental health as well as physical health. Moreover, sports also eliminate the risk of a person catching diseases or facing any body interruptions. Competitions increase immunity and increase people’s stamina. Reaching maximum efficiency in any activity is not possible over a day. Efficiency is conditioned by several interrelated areas. Sports training focuses on reaching maximum efficiency in motor abilities connected to a certain sports discipline.Supposed performance depends on motor ability and motor skill which are closely related to discipline.

Sports also influence the sports the life expectancy of people, incraseing the potential years to live of an average human individual. All of us are associated with games somehow or the other in pur lives. Many institutions do not make it obligatory to pursue sports in higher academics, some of us are dissociated from its practice. A lot of people take up games on their own accord. There are many outdoor sports, these include cricket, badminton, football, hockey, football, etc. Indoor sports such as boards games, table tennis, chess, etc. are also popular.

Sports builds several characteristics and personality traits in a person. Sports insists a sense of confidence and enthusiasm in an individual’s attitude. People involved in regular sports practices show qualities of leadership, team work, and excellence in their personalities and behaviour. Sports makes one competitive, however in a healthy manner. It also helps us to deal with failure and enables us to work hard in achieving our respective goals.Motor abilities are manifested on the outside by sports skills. Sports skills are presuppositions needed for implementing performance in a selected sports discipline which is limited by rules. Such presuppositions are gained through motor learning. It, however, would not be possible to implement sports skills or develop locomotive abilities without motivation. Motivation is understood as an inner incentive to carry out certain activity. The final area needed for performance implementation is represented by tactical skills. Tactics means conducting a sports competition in a purposeful way.

The contents of sports training consists of individual key areas which are called components of sports training:

Sports training is understood as a process of systematic development of each component in dependence on the duration of preparation which leads to achieving maximum efficiency in senior age within the selected sports discipline. Psychological component is focused on improving the athlete’s personality. Sports skills are based on contents of a specific sports discipline. In volleyball, the content of skills is for instance setting, reception, block, service etc. The aim of developing these skills is acquiring high level of automatization. These skills accompany the athlete during the whole period of his sports career regardless of the performance level he or she is at. The athlete keeps such skills for the whole of his sports career regardless of performance level. Acquiring these skills should be in compliance with long-term conception of sports training. According to this conception, training of a specific sports discipline must contain another large group of motor skill which do not form its contents but are important for reaching other aims of sports training. For example, they include gymnastic or athletic skills which are important for recovery, compensation and versatile development of an athlete. When you are engaging in sports and games, you need to know that failure isn’t the absence success, but it is merely a delay in success.

Do not let one lost game deter your spirit. If you are a true sportsperson, you will bounce back and give an even better performance. True sportsperson do not believe in quitting, they will fight until their last breathe to make sure that they have it in them to handle the different adversities. There are a lot of case studies of various players who battled the adversities and came out on top.Sports and games tend to bring out the best in too many people. There are endless games and each one of them challenges the players in different ways. When you are in the arena and engaging in sports and games; always member this quote as it will fuel your spirit and give you the confidence to achieve your target. Focus is always the key and another foremost point for game involving group is to know how to take your team forward. If you can be a team player and inspire your whole group to make collective effort as a single entity, you might become a force to be reckoned with.

National Sports Talent Contest, (NSTC) Scheme is being implemented to scout sports talent in the age group of 8-14 years from schools and nurture them into future medal hopes by providing scientific training. At present there are 14 Regular adopted schools, 10 schools adopted to promote indigenous games/martial arts. There are a total No. of Trainees 1060 (805 Boys & 255 Girls) trainees under the NSTC Scheme.Army Boys Sports Company Scheme (ABSC) - for Sub-Junior level trainees is a collaborative venture of SAI with the Indian Army, the main objective of the Scheme is to make use of the good infrastructure and disciplined environment of the Army for training boys in the age group of 8-16 years of age, to achieve excellence in sports. After attaining the required age of seventeen and a half years, the trainees are also offered placement in the Army. At present, there are 18 Centres in India wherein trainees are being trained, in the above-mentioned disciplines. Presently, there are a total of 1049 Boys trainees under the ABSC scheme.SAI Training Centres Scheme (STC) - for Junior level trainees make it possible for the Central Government and State Governments to work together for sports development efforts, through the integration of various Schemes. Correct existing regional imbalances in sports infrastructure in the Country and within a State. Enable SAI to nurture junior sports talent scientifically who had attained excellence at Sub Junior level under NSTC Scheme and induct them into the STCs/Centres of Excellence, for further scientific and in-depth coaching on a long-term basis. Presently there are 56 STC Centres in the country having a total strength of 5394 trainees (3807 Boys & 1587 Girls).Special Area Games (SAG) Scheme aims at scouting natural talent for modern competitive sports and games from inaccessible tribal, rural and coastal areas of the country and nurturing them scientifically for achieving excellence in sports. The Scheme also envisages tapping of talent from indigenous games and martial arts and also from regions/ communities, which are either genetically or geographically advantageous for excellence in a particular sports discipline. The main objective of the Scheme is to train meritorious sportspersons in the age group of 12-18 years, with age being relaxed in exceptional cases. At present, there are 19 SAG Centres in the country having a total strength of 1676 trainees (961 Boys & 715 Girls). Centre of Excellence Scheme (COX) - for Senior level trainees is a natural corollary to the Schemes for Sub-Junior and Junior, the Scheme of Centres of Excellence was started in 1997. The scheme envisaged induction of sportspersons, who had performed well at Sr. National Competitions, for further advanced scientific training at the Regional Centres of SAI for 330 days in a year. These Centres of Excellence operate as regular coaching camps for the best available talent in India and provide concurrent layers of skilled sportspersons, giving a wider choice of talent and continuity for selection to National Teams and provide alternative second and third options for the National Teams. At present, there are 15 Centres in the country having a total strength of 556 trainees (288 Boys & 268 Girls).

We at RUDRAKSHA, will try to provide the sports training to all those who can’t afford and providing them all the sports equipment’s needed. Also, if someone cannot afford to travel for interstate competitions, then we can try to provide them certain resources so that they can travel and play their match.