
Our Organization is a core consortium of positive thoughts applied to personnel force and targets which have an in depth visioning with the prime objective of bringing the best possible solution for all those people in need of basic amenities of life. We always try to make sure not to leave any stone upturn in respect to provide support in all the philanthropy activities we perform as our daily routine work. It is a group of good number of individuals who have a hobby pertaining to social work and also provides a good platform to make the same as a professional life path. We invite professionals from different walk of lives and sectors, specifically fresher(s) to give themselves an opportunity to serve the society along with career progression. The Foundation has a specified work culture which is strictly blinded with Code of Conduct in all the perspectives of an organization behavior towards its employees as well as Society and Nation. We offer a great work culture wherein the employee has the opportunity to win accolades on completion of easily achievable targets as strict emphasis has been applied on ethical working. The promotion criteria are also not rigid and can be regained by any individual who has the positive intent and wisdom to work ethically.

We have a ZERO Tolerance to frauds, misinformation, cheating, embezzlement and application of any technique to attain any sort of illegal or illicit gains while working in this Foundation. We expect the ethical social compliance from all the employees working in our Organization as it is a major contribution towards Society and Nation. We also have a definite policy over providing few perks to our employees like Life and Health Insurance, post completion of their 3 months probation period within this organization. The employee has to comply with all the basic requirements in order to achieve such benefits as per IRDA rules and regulations. This work culture requires travel within INDIA and abroad based on the project requirements.The employee is expected to gain such opportunities only through ethical and hard work. The completion of the assigned targets with dignity and ethics can provide them to attain such benefits and hence will boost up their career progression as well. The Foundation also supports enhancement of technical and non technical education/training of its employees hence provide them an opportunity to attain the same while working with us. We also provide financial and non financial support for the same, provided the employee should have the matching of the concerned training or course program in respect to his/her job requirements and career progression. The Final decision will be reserved with MD of the organization. This benefit can be attained post completion of probation period. The basic requirement for a white color job in this organization is an ethical bachelor’s degree from any recognized University though a profile specific might require an additional or specific degree in the same field. The list of address and Identity proofs required will be same as per guidelines applicable for any Govt or Private jobs PAN INDIA. Any Job in this Foundation, by any means or at any point of time WILL NOT BE A GOVT or SEMI GOVT or GOVT / SEMI GOVT CONTRACTUAL job in respect to benefits, culture, process, settlements, rights etc. by any sort or means whatsoever be the case. THIS WILL BE SAME AS A PRIVATE ORGANIZATION and respective rules and regulations are mentioned in website & or Code of Conduct in respect to the position held by an individual. The applicants are requested to read and understand them carefully. The Foundation will not be held responsible for any sort of loss occurred due to it. The queries before applying for any job opening will be appreciated on phone or email. WE DON'T ASK FOR CASH OR ANY SORT OF KIND FAVORS FOR ANY JOB. In case there will be an opening, the same might be issued in public interest to apply via local or national based job or internship portals, companies, agencies, our websites, other job web links etc. but there will not be any charges applicable for the same by any sort of means at any stage in future unless specifically mentioned in our website. Kindly REFRAIN from getting in touch with any individuals or companies who asks for commissions or salary portions etc. for jobs posted at our website. Anyone can apply for them directly.There are no charges for applications. The candidates will be shortlisted post personal interview session (s) and verification checks.

The jobs in this Foundation requires good amount of public dealings and interactions hence individuals applying for the same are expected to be well known to Hindi, English and Punjabi. The initial work profile will be in Chandigarh and in due course will be expanded to various States of North INDIA. The general working hours in this Foundation will be between Monday to Friday 9:30 am – 6:00 pm during summer and 9:30 am to 5:30pm during winters. There will be working ours based on any activity if being scheduled on Saturdays or any other holidays as per the case may arise. The employee will be benefited with an additional off day within next 45 -60 days from the day he or she had made her contribution on any holiday or weekends. The working rules will be applicable on the domestic as well as International official tours. The travel expenses for official trips will be borne by our Foundation. Our Foundation puts an extra emphasis over Gender Equality parameters, hence we hire close to 50% female employees in our projects and in general. The actual number may vary depends upon meeting financial and other work profile constraints. The detailed eligibility requirements of all the above mentioned benefits and processes are listed in “Code of Conduct” column in this website. We might involve other organizations, NGOs in our project(s) based on the need arises as per the situation. The preference will be through well established organization on State, Center or National Level which have positive track records. A strict compliance and due diligence will be followed as setup by Government for philanthropy organizations.